Tectum | Crypto Solutions For Business | SoftNote Wallet

The Fastest Blockchain for All Industries

Tectum is the world’s fastest blockchain – a lightning-fast distributed ledger powering the superconductive digital financial environment of the future.

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Exceeds 1 million TPS and provides instant event status delivery & ownership updates.

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The transactionless payment system for our new superconductive digital environment.

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SoftNote Wallet

Instantly transfer & convert crypto for a fraction of the cost of conventional networks.

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XFA™ Authentication

A flexible, scalable, and completely secure solution for online user authentication.

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The Fastest 

The Tectum Blockchain exceeds 1 million transactions per second using a proprietary Proof-of-Utility Consensus.

This makes Tectum the perfect solution as an “Overlay Network” for numerous blockchain systems such as Bitcoin.

Instead of storing the data directly in the blockchain, Tectum stores hashes that are mapped back to the original data stored at a lower level. This isolates the heavy transaction-related data from the main pipeline by hashing, encrypting and signing the bundles at the end of every transaction and archiving it.

Learn about Tectum Blockchain

Crypto Solutions for Business

The SoftNote is the first ever ‘transactionless’ product with instant payment zero-fee processing for an end-user. The SoftNote has ‘physical cash’ elements, for example, a Bitcoin SoftNote bill can be printed on paper, does not require a confirmation from the Bitcoin network, incurs no fees, and has no geographical boundaries.

Therefore, the SoftNote can be used person-to-person, sent over any messenger application as a picture file or sent from wallet to wallet. A SoftNote is secured by a passcode rendering it useless to an unauthorised possessor.

Learn about SoftNote

X-Factor Authentication

XFA Authentication was designed from the ground up to be a next-generation authentication standard for an increasingly dangerous world.

With your critical banking, currency, and financial records being stored online, passwords simply aren’t enough. The existing to factor authenticators are leaving you at risk. We have created XFA to ensure that no matter where you are logged in, you are doing it privately, securely and efficiently.

Learn about XFA

TIA AI Chat-Bot

Tia, Tectum’s first personal assistant, is designed to unlock the potentials of the Tectum Blockchain technologies and it’s revolutionary product Softnotes for you! Tia is a highly advanced intuitive AI that has been trained extensively in both these complex products to help enable Tia to answer the majority of the questions related to these technologies.

Learn about TIA

Roadmap 2024

Phase 1Sep 1st

Mobile APP
Softnote Wallet Mobile App Android
Mobile APP
Softnote Wallet Mobile App IOS
Basic Validator Node Consensus Public Protocol
Light Node Application for Windows
API for Tectum Core (Rest API)
Custom Token Generation

Phase 2Dec 31st

“Ivy Tree” Consensus with TET Staking
TESTNET source code on GitHub
TectumCore.exe for blockchain node management
Blockchain in TESTNET Mode
Hackathon with TET rewards for Community Testers
Mint, Fill, Handover & Burn Custom SoftNotes
SDK & API for Testers Public Decentralized

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