Start with our Client Test Node use Manual
Start with our Client Test Node use Manual
The Tectum team is happy to announce the launch of our Testnet.
We’ve been working on blockchain technology since mid-2000 and are very glad to finally offer Testnet access to early adopters – it is very important for us as a team to see that everyone who put their trust in Tectum grow their confidence in the technology. We’re also looking forward to new Decentralized Apps and financial tools coming to the market.
Testnet will give developers early adopters an opportunity to create their own Layer One multiple Tectum Node environments, live-test the network speed, transfer Test BTCs instantly and nearly commission-free and of course Test TET Tokens.
As we get closer to the launch of SoftNote, we believe that being transparent will help us and our community develop a better product.
The goal of this release is to collect feedback on how the consensus mechanism operates under various settings, improve our network protocol, develop better settings structure and collect the data on how different hardware handles the Node software.
We’re counting on you to help us to collect metrics and use them to improve our framework. We’d also like to hear from you about your Tectum Testnet experience in general.
The TET tokens on the test network will not be transferrable to the mainnet. The Ledger is reset every 24 hours.
We will soon explain How to use Testnet, publish .exe Client Node files, Testnet faucet and instructional materials on our GitHub page.