What’s Next?

I’m glad you asked that question!
The previous article talked about our pre-sales and prices. Our next pre-sale token price is $3. If you haven’t created a wallet, check out “How to Purchase Tectum Tokens” for a good step-by-step guide. Make sure you enable 2FA (minimum) and 3FA on your wallet. There will be a lot of scammers and hackers attracted to us when we go public.
We are taking a 7-day break before the next pre-sale goes live at $3. This price should get us to the Bitmart listing unless all 500k tokens are snapped up before that. If that happens, the price will move up to $3.50 on the next 500k tokens.
One of the features of hard money like gold is SCARCITY. When governments print fiat currency out of thin air, there is no scarcity. That’s why the buying power of currency goes down, which is INFLATION.
TET token supply is fixed. That means they are scarce. That means whoever holds TET is holding a scarce commodity. TET is used to purchase 100 packs of unfilled SoftNotes.
Things to do:
Stay tuned for new notices every day.
Have you signed up on the pre-sale list? Sign-up here.