Introducing the Tectum Network’s SoftNote product – a unique new phase for the future of cryptocurrency and the blockchain industry.
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Since 2016, the cryptocurrency industry has added at least 15,000 new coins and tokens into existence. Many run on previously established blockchains. What do they actually do? What do they provide for users? Are they the future of cryptocurrency?
What about the push by Central Banks to get rid of physical cash and force the adoption of centralized, digital, national currencies they can control completely? Central Banks are enlisting global banks and high-tech companies to help them “force” people to use it.
How can you minimize the profound impact these CB digital currencies will have on you and your community?
Privacy for transactions along with speed and low cost are essential for everyday purchases. The right crypto portfolio can shield your wealth in a way similar to traditional assets like gold and silver.
The Tectum network and our SoftNote product are designed to bridge the gap between BTC and the retail market. BTC is highly valued but cannot be used for retail purchases due to its network congestion, slow confirmation time, and high transaction costs.
Tectum offers a promising future of cryptocurrency with a hash drive that allows for very high (1M transactions per second) throughput that solves the BTC blockchain congestion problem. High network speed comes from Tectum’s Proof of Utility consensus protocol. Tokens and coins on the network are not mined, so there is no cost to the user. That solves Bitcoin’s high fee problem
The SoftNote is unique transport of value. When it is loaded with BTC or USDT, it allows BTC to be used for instant micro-transactions, just like cash or credit cards. In the future, SoftNotes will include many other crypto coins, stablecoins, and actual fiat currencies. Real property/NFTs and commodities like precious metals are also being considered and worked on.
Tectum has a unique solution for crypto products to finally become mainstream for fast and cheap retail payments. Our value proposition completely unique. It is the bridge to the future of cryptocurrency and crypto payments.
Traditional credit cards were offered nationally in the 1960s. Today they are ubiquitous. SoftNotes are the new disruptive technology to compete with credit card POS transactions. Cryptocurrency adoption rates are climbing worldwide. Retail adopters can broaden their customer base and attract attention by advertising “SoftNotes Accepted Here”