Tectum Unveils Features SoftNote Wallet Mobile App in Upcoming Beta Launch - Tectum Blockchain
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Tectum Unveils Features SoftNote Wallet Mobile App in Upcoming Beta Launch

With its launch just around the corner, Tectum is unveiling the features that SoftNote Wallet mobile app beta version. The application is almost ready, save for some final internal testing. To build anticipation, we are sharing with the community possible attributes they will get to test.

Tectum SoftNote Mobile App

This article will be the first of many and outline all people need to know about this upcoming product launch. The team wants to outline the features that participants in this testnet will scrutinize.

SoftNote Wallet Mobile App Beta Launch: Features to Expect

The mobile application will contain as many features of the web app as possible. To enable people to understand it properly, Tectum is breaking down the features into relative segments. Without further ado, below are the features available in the SoftNote mobile wallet beta version.

Access and Authorization

Considering its importance, we are starting with access and authorization features. People will be able to register new accounts and login to existing ones on the mobile app. New users can create new accounts with their email addresses, which will only take a few steps. Alternatively, they can connect their Google or Apple accounts to the wallet.

Similar to the account registration, individuals people can log in to their house using their email, Google or Apple accounts. More so, the app will also allow users to create and log in to multiple accounts.

User Safety and Protection

While this is a testnet, Tectum still prioritizes user protection and will give people the option of trying out how secure the app is. The first security measure is a passcode that users must enter to access their account on the mobile application. This will apply to everyone, regardless of their device.

Uniquely, Android users can access their SoftNote Wallet mobile app in the beta launch via the Touch ID on their phone. On the other hand, iOS and Android phone users will both log in to their accounts using the Face ID feature. Biometrics are unique and mobile devices have improved on their application for security.

We want to ensure that users get various options to access their accounts.  This way, they can easily select the one that suits them best. People can enable or disable Touch or Face ID at will. Meanwhile, individuals can only use one authentication method at a time.

Meanwhile, people can change the additional layer of security from the email OTP to Google 2FA. Users will have the option to disable Google 2FA even after activating it.

Individuals can change their usernames and passwords at will. However, this is subject to further authorization to prove the owner is taking this action. Tectum wants to avoid cybercriminals accessing accounts and locking the holder out.

Wallet, Crypto Transfer, and Payments

When the Softnote Wallet mobile app goes live, individuals will be able to test all features related to crypto storage, transfer, and payments. They will have total access and control over their crypto wallet. This ranges from depositing and sending tokens to migrating assets to a different network and checking their balance.

Everyone who participates in this testnet can also manage their SoftNote Bills from the app. They can check the balance to ascertain the value of what they have left. Participants can also hand over, deposit and export SoftNote Bills from one wallet to another. Even better, the app enables them to convert their Bill directly to crypto and vice versa.

Tectum will integrate SoftNote Pay into the mobile app to enable seamless payments. People can use the contactless payment method that is connected to their wallet. Furthermore, they can view their balances, to ascertain when to top up. On the other hand, they can simply let the system automatically convert funds from their SoftNote bills into the payment system when necessary.

The Mint House will also be available on the SoftNote Wallet mobile app beta for testing. People will be able to mint, fill, and burn Bills from the Green and Blue Hubs.

Personalizations and Developer Support in the SoftNote Mobile App Beta

Tectum SoftNote mobile wallet app beta will have English, Chinese, and Turkish languages. This ensures that the majority of our community members can access and test every feature in this application properly.

Just like with passwords, people can also change their usernames. Are considering something exciting or more catchy? This is an opportunity to personalize your account to your desire.

As mentioned severally, Tectum is an open ecosystem that guarantees user freedom. To prove this, we offer everyone the ability to delete their accounts from our platform. Individuals will test this function in the beta app when it goes live.

Finally, developers can access the API key for our API from the beta app. This will come in handy once the Tectum blockchain is truly decentralized. Devs will get to mint, fill, burn, hand over, send, and receive custom tokens and SoftNote Bills.

SoftNote Wallet Mobile App Beta Launch: Benefits of the App to Users

Since launching the Tectum blockchain, the team has preached the gospel of enabling Bitcoin for retail payments. So far, we have done very well in keeping to our promises by supporting instant and cheap crypto transactions. While our strides have been impressive, there was still something missing.

Tectum SoftNote Wallet does not have a mobile app, meaning users have to access the website via a web browser. While this is effective, it is not optimal or efficient. The user experience is not the same on a mobile phone, as it will be on a computer.

Considering this disadvantage, we are introducing a mobile app that will incorporate all the comprehensive features of the wallet. Furthermore, this application will feature SoftNote Pay – a crypto virtual card system that enables people to spend cryptocurrencies through contactless payment.

With this app, everyone can send, receive, and manage their blockchain tokens on the go. Unlike the website, the user experience will be tailored to the screen sizes and dimensions of a mobile device. With phone manufacturers becoming more flexible, people may soon be able to use it for NFC payments.

SoftNote Wallet Mobile App Beta Launch: How to Participate

The possibilities are endless with the SoftNote Wallet mobile app, and you cannot afford to miss it. The beta launch is coming very soon, and Tectum is inviting everyone to join the Bitcoin revolution next step.

Join the waitlist and become one of the first persons to test the SoftNote application. Follow Tectum on all social media channels and visit the SoftNote App page to stay up to date.