Securing the Future: Tectum's XFactor Authenticator and the Fight Against Cyber Threats - Tectum Blockchain

Securing the Future: Tectum’s XFactor Authenticator and the Fight Against Cyber Threats

Do you know that Tectum’s XFactor Authenticator is developed by a team of experts who study safety trends and prefer futuristic solutions? This product could not come at a better time, with the threats to cybersecurity rising by more than 500% over the past 3 years. Despite the dangers, most people remain unaware of the dangers lurking on the internet.

Tectum's XFactor Authenticator

Tectum’s XFA is now an official trademark and intellectual property of Crispmind. While this is a significant achievement, there is more to this product than just a brand. This article will enlighten people on how the XFA is the future of cybersecurity.

Understanding the Trend of Cybersecurity Threats

For as long as memory serves, security has been a fundamental human need. More so, this incident has become more prevalent since the pandemic. While certain theories blame the rise of remote work, the stats show that the problem has been a change in cloud storage. According to The 2021 Global Encryption Trends Study, 50% of companies migrated private data to cloud servers.

However, 24% of firms intend to switch from physical storage to online solutions within the next two years. Despite the decision to move to the cloud, 50 of organizations do not have a clear plan for encryption. This suggests that the flaw is due to changing the form of data archiving, not remote work, as some critics claim.

Looking at the data, companies were never fully prepared for COVID-19 (nobody was). However, they adjusted and realized the benefits of virtual workspaces and online collaboration. Therefore, they decided to maintain this system because of its advantages. They were not well aware of the vulnerabilities of using this approach to data storage.

A recent report proves this claim. 65% of organizations admit that their biggest barrier is properly classifying data for different levels of encryption. Worse still, 45% of these organizations agree that they find it challenging to deploy encryption technology in the first place.

Simply put, companies were not prepared for this tectonic shift and were forced to make changes as the times demanded. While they are willing to change, these firms need proper orientation and preparation for this approach to data protection.\

To fully understand why firms are unprepared for the change in data protection, we need to understand how authentication has evolved over the years. Although the aim is gatekeeping, people have adopted different approaches over time.

The Evolution of Authentication Methods

The first authentication process involved word of mouth and focused on trust. To access details, people only needed to claim to have the required authority. However, criminals learned about this method and began abusing it. In response, organizations shifted to the use of paperwork.

Before you can get privy information, people must tender some documents to prove that they have the right to do so. It was not long before forfeiture became a thing, and the authorities got a whiff of it. To combat this new threat, a database was made and gatekeepers can simply check the documents providers by individuals against what is on the database.

Only those whose documents match the details on the database will gain entry. This method is the basis of modern-day verification. More sophisticated authentication methods still follow this principle.

With the advent of the internet, organizations moved to the use of passwords. When creating an account, users will choose a private phrase that they must enter to prove that they are truly who they be. As threats became more significant, people were forced to use complex passwords that were difficult to guess.

As technology became more sophisticated, companies introduced biometric access. People can now use features like fingerprints and facial recognition. However, these advancements were not fully developed and still needed supplementation. Then came 2-factor authentication.

This involves combining the fingerprint scan, facial recognition, or password with SMS. After entering the password or scanning their biometrics, users must enter a one-time password that will be sent to them via email or SMS. Other times, the individual will receive the OTP via an authenticator app.

Tectum’s XFactor Authenticator: The Proactive Solution Protecting Users

While security architecture has advanced, it is still susceptible to certain risks. Cybercriminals are now smarter than before and have invented more malicious ways to bypass 2-factor authentication systems. Looking at the trends, it is easy to see why Tectum’s XFactor Authenticator is the solution for the future.

This security solution incorporates multiple layers of security to ensure that no one besides authorized persons gains access. To better understand this innovation, consider its features below:

  • Password (Something You Know): this is something the user knows and can input to prove that they are who they claim to be.
  • Device (Something You Have): a software, phone, computer, or other hardware devices (like a token) connected to the Internet that enables people to access their accounts.
  • ย Biometrics (Something You Are): fingerprint, facial recognition or eye scan to authenticate users are who they claim to be.
  • User Input (Something You Do): this is an action that the user must do to prove their uniqueness. It ranges from saying their name or making a particular gesture or expression while recording video.

Tectum’s XFactor Authenticator: Why This Security Architecture is Better than Available Alternatives

The essence of outlining the features above is to outline the possibilities of using Tectum’s XFactor Authenticator. This does not mean that users must complete every single step above before they can access their account or private information.

This implies that a company can implement as many of these methods as it wants. Even better, these features can be incorporated differently across diverse levels. Everyone must not be subject to the same level of safety scrutiny and procedures in the organizations.

For example, individuals at lower levels of the organization can use the basic password with a 2FA to gain access. This is particularly true for people who engage in routine tasks and do not handle any significant information. As we go up the corporate ladder, security measures tighten, and user input and biometric authentication can come into play.

In this regard, these high-level executives can go completely passwordless when using Tectum’s XFactor Authenticator.ย  They can simply scan their face, finger, or eye and enter the user input to verify their identity.

Alongside being very efficient, Tectum’s XFA is very simple to implement. Organizations can integrate it into virtually any data architecture, from standard hardware systems to cloud storage. Our product is compatible with decentralized networks as well as orthodox technologies.

Do you want to protect your organization against current and future security threats? Try Tectum’s XFactor the best results today. You can download the mobile app and begin using it immediately.

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