Tectum as a Blockchain - Benefits of this Innovation for Logistics Companies - Tectum Blockchain

Tectum as a Blockchain – Benefits of this Innovation for Logistics Companies

Logistics companies – the aspect of production that people did not recognize until 2020. This is a very significant industry that has proven to be indispensable time and over again. Despite its benefits, the players in this sector still experience numerous challenges. The good news is that the Tectum blockchain has several solutions to some problems facing logistics companies.

After COVID-19 struck, the entire industry came to a halt. Most people began working from home, and it seemed that life would continue very smoothly. Then everyone began running out of food and other household items they had earlier stored up. Movements were restricted, and people could not go out to restock their homes.

This meant that items needed to be delivered to people’s homes – by logistics companies. At some point, even supermarkets and malls ran out of stock and needed to refill. With restricted movement, even the markets needed assistance from delivery firms.

It is noteworthy to mention the healthcare sector. Most vaccines were not produced in the areas where they will be used. In fact, these immunizing medications needed to travel miles to reach certain regions. As expected, everyone turned to the logistics companies for help.

Challenges Facing Logistics Companies

Even after the pandemic, these establishments that oversaw the movement of goods have proven their importance to the maintenance of any society. However, the sector has yet to fulfill its enormous potential. This is due to the fact that there are several challenges facing the major players in this industry.

These are some challenges facing logistics companies:

Shortage of Manpower

There is a significant deficiency of skilled professionals in the logistics industry. Most people do not fancy the idea of traveling over long distances to deliver items to people or businesses. As a result, very few drivers ever decide to take on this job. In addition, most of the people who decide to become logistics workers are not good enough to meet the demands of this position.

Contrary to popular opinion, logistics workers are more than just drivers and riders. Unless you are considering it as a small-scale business, there are countless other individuals who ensure that goods and other materials depart and arrive safely.

They include:

  • Inventory Manager
  • Fleet Manager
  • Logistics Analyst
  • Customer Service Representative, etc

Poor Customer Service

The nature of shipment management and delivery is very complex at the moment. As a result, there are bound to be numerous issues and challenges facing companies and hindering their ability to meet client demands. What makes things worse is how most logistics firms manage the situation. To be sincere, many courier establishments have poor customer service.

This ranges from poor handling of shipments to a complete lack of proper coordination. More so, there are certain times when conditions beyond the power of the company may make it unable to deliver.

Cost of Operations

Running any business is a huge challenge. But, it is even more hectic to operate a logistics business. This cuts across the board, from a small courier services firm to offshore logistics providers. They have to pay workers, insurance for products, purchase and maintain vehicles, and other miscellaneous payments.

There are several companies that just “go with the flow” These firms do not have a risk management system. In fact, they do not have insightful data on the possibility of something going wrong. As a result, they end up with unprecedented issues that drive up the cost of operations higher.

Cyberattacks and Vulnerabilities

Until recently, no one really thought that hackers would think about compromising the safety architecture of logistics companies. What were they going to steal, details of frozen meat? In fact, the recent trends made everyone realize the level of security that courier firms had – NONE.

The reason nobody cared much about the safety measures of logistics companies is because they operated in an analog environment. With the advent of digitization, these companies are now exposed to online vulnerabilities. The problem is that many of these establishments are clearly not prepared to tackle the looming threats.

How Tectum Blockchain Can Resolve Most of The Challenges Facing Logistics Companies

Tectum blockchain has numerous features that can help resolve the issues affecting logistics companies. These firms can leverage the fastest blockchain to scale their services and improve their system.

Here are some ways that our network can improve the service delivery of logistics firms.:

Real-Time Tracking of Items on Transit

The last persons on the list in the previous are the customer service representatives. As we all know, these are the client-facing workers and interface with customers and other external stakeholders. Contrary to popular opinion, the bulk of the work extends beyond the jurisdiction of customer service reps. In fact, it is more about operations and management than customer support.

One reason for this is actually the inability of these firms to properly monitor and track items that are in transit. As a result, people do not know exactly where their goods are at specific points in time. They have to wait and hope it arrives. With the rectum blockchain, these establishments have an innovative technology that they can incorporate into their system.

Our blockchain explorer gives exact details of how and when every transaction is done. The same principle can also be applied to the transition of products. People will be able to see the movement of their goods on a designated platform.

Proper Risk Planning and Cost-Effective Management

It is not as though logistics companies aren’t making efforts to operate efficiently. The challenge is that these firms do not have the structures to manage operations better. However, they can change their fortune by working with the Tectum blockchain.

With adequate knowledge of the position of in-transit items at all times, the company can ascertain how long it will take them to deliver. With the right equipment and the integration of our blockchains, companies will also be able to tell if the item is damaged as well as when and where the incident happened. This will enable them to make proper arrangements for contingencies.

Secure Data Transmission

This is actually self-explanatory, especially with companies now having digital footprints. Everything that is stored and transferred online is at risk of being exploited. Some logistics companies are also product and service providers handling sensitive data. Considering this factor, their need for security is essential.

Tectum is not just the fastest blockchain for the transmission of information. It is also as safe as the most secure military facility – Fort Knox. Any company that uses our network as the foundation is guaranteed safety from any kind of cyberattack.

Tectum Blockchain and Logistics Companies – A Perfect Sync

Tectum blockchain can work with logistics companies to make operations far more efficient than what people consider to be attainable. The best part is our network is scalable and can easily be integrated to improve existing platforms. SoftNote Bills are clear evidence of how well we can inculcate off-chain proceedings into our platform.

With a more efficient system, these companies will be able to manage their little resources efficiently. Being able to operate efficiently will reduce the need for the few available employees to work themselves out. Furthermore, this will cut down on the cost of operations.