Tectum as a Blockchain - Application in Data Architecture and Security - Tectum Blockchain

Tectum as a Blockchain – Application in Data Architecture and Security

Tectum Blockchain has the very necessary features to be the long-lasting solution for companies looking to build a sustainable data architecture. Well, that came out pretty straightforward. Didn’t it? Not to worry, this article will explain and enable readers to understand why this statement is true.

Before then, it is essential to examine the importance of data in modern-day business and society. Without any shred of doubt, technology has taken over almost every industry. In this regard, companies have to either adjust or go extinct. Gone are the times when people dealt with paper or completed duplicative processes manually.

These days, establishments are incorporating ways that automate repetitive functions. In addition, these firms are doing as much as possible to reduce the use of physical paper. But what is the idea behind this new trend? The answer is very simple – SECURITY.

Challenges Facing the Orthodox Method of Data Storage and Transfer

You are probably wondering why these measures ensure enterprise safety. Well, there is an explanation for this. For a better understanding, we need to go back in time to when paper was prominent for storing and transferring information.

During those times, institutions had to provide physical security and manually ensure that unwanted third parties did not access private data. In addition, documents had to be manually transferred from one place to the other. While this was somewhat effective, it had numerous challenges.

Below are some issues associated with storing and transferring information this way:

  • Handling significant volumes of information was more difficult as companies would have to carry or store more papers.
  • Damages to these papers due to fire, water, or even scratches mean permanent loss of data.
  • Physical copies can easily be stolen or duplicated to be used for other sinister purposes.
  • Using paper for storing and transferring information means that companies cannot communicate efficiently. In turn, this will hamper a smooth decision-making process.

Considering the challenges facing the orthodox system, the experts decided that certain changes needed to occur. To solve the pending problems, they decided to make the most of the internet. However, these firms could not just put everything on the World Wide Web. Like the previous mechanism, online data storage also came with its own challenges.

Unlike the paper storage method, the online data storage process has even more significant vulnerabilities. For example, a thief has to be physically present to steal printed-out information. With a virtual system, cybercriminals can remotely exploit data without needing to be physically present. Considering the possibilities, companies decided to build a secure data architecture that will serve as a safe passage for storing and transferring information.

The Importance of a Sound Data Architecture

The system needs to be very secure enough to keep out unwanted intruders. Nonetheless, it also needed to be accessible enough for everyone within the organization. This is because having an overly constricted system where people in the system cannot easily get what they need will delay the workflow. To combat this problem, the experts decided that it was essential to create different levels of access.

This is such that individuals at different levels will have credentials that correlate with their respective classes. In this regard, the establishment will still be secure even in the eventuality of an attack. Instead of the entire system, the hacker will be limited to a particular section of the system. It will be like locking down the lower decks of a sinking ship that is getting flooded with water.

Using this method will contain the damage and mitigate the effects of the hack on the system. With the intrusion contained, the firm can calmly develop and initiate measures to tackle the issue and remove it from their system. Looking at this illustration, it is obvious how an efficient data architecture supersedes the orthodox paper mode of information storage and transfer. It also explains why most companies adopt this approach.

The regular data architecture that is obtainable within most companies is very efficient. However, it has a significant disadvantage of being centralized. While it may not seem to be an issue, any successful breach can pose a significant threat.

How Tectum Blockchain Provides a Secure and Efficient Data Architecture

Whenever you send a document to a college, you are not transferring directly to the college. Instead, you are sending the document to a server that receives and sends it to the intended person. It is like telling someone a secret to tell a friend of yours. Should this individual get compromised, the secret will no longer be a secret.

Instead of using this susceptible measure, Tectum Blockchain utilizes a decentralized network for building a data architecture. As against a central server, our system allows people to transfer directly to each other. This means that people actually send and receive information directly to each other.

In addition, transactions conducted on our network are completely anonymous. Data stored and transferred on the T12 protocol are cloaked to protect user information. It is such that anyone can see that transactions are taking place. However, they cannot ascertain what exactly is contained in that transaction.

With this type of channel of communication, companies can operate with peace of mind. The reason is that the structure has the necessary features to prevent an attack. In addition, it is also perfectly good enough to manage any intrusive situation.